The system uses a vast array of data points captured before, during, and after braking events. These include changes in vehicle speed, demand pressure, timestamp, axle load, and road gradient. Moreover, EBPMS continuously assesses braking system efficiency during vehicle operation. It calculates braking capacity by monitoring data and generating brake values relative to the maximum static axle load for specific pressure requirements.

An Electronic Braking Performance Monitoring System (EBPMS) is essential for fleet managers as it guarantees continuous vehicle operation. This system monitors and records the braking performance of commercial vehicles in diverse operating conditions during everyday operations.

How does an EBPMS Work?

An EBPMS works by continuously collecting and storing performance data, offering a full overview of a vehicle’s braking performance over time. Using a variety of sensors, the system monitors critical braking parameters such as brake wear, fluid levels, braking force, and effectiveness across different braking scenarios.

This real-time data is then compared against operational standards, which facilitates proactive maintenance scheduling and brake performance optimisation. The accumulated data is systematically logged and maintained, allowing for ongoing analysis and insights into the efficiency and safety of a vehicle’s braking system.

EBPMS achieves this through seamless integration into broader fleet management systems, enabling real-time monitoring and management of fleet vehicles.

EBPMS and Regulatory Compliance

EBPMS plays a significant role in ensuring fleet vehicles comply with safety standards and regulatory requirements set by the DVSA. It integrates with fleet management software to send timely alerts to managers, providing critical information about braking performance. This includes detailed reports that track performance trends over time, which are essential for assessing compliance.

Additionally, the system is designed to minimise braking incidents by continuously monitoring and reporting on braking performance metrics. It therefore allows fleet managers to generate comprehensive braking performance reports, guaranteeing complete transparency. EBPMS also maintains historical records of braking performance, supporting accurate analysis and verification during inspections.

Brake Performance Monitoring from MICHELIN Connected Fleet

At MICHELIN Connected Fleet, we provide continuous brake performance monitoring to ensure compliance and streamline maintenance planning. Our advanced fleet management solutions include cutting-edge tools for monitoring brake conditions, providing real-time insights into driver behaviour through rollover alerts, and generating reports that optimise servicing schedules.

Our brake performance monitoring tools empower you to:

  • Assess braking conditions promptly
  • Improve driver behaviour, particularly in high-risk zones
  • Schedule maintenance proactively to prevent major breakdowns and reduce accident risks, ultimately minimising costly repairs and unplanned downtime.

If you're interested in minimising brake and vehicle suspension breakdown costs, enhancing road safety for drivers and pedestrians, maintaining optimal brake performance in real-time, and meeting compliance standards, then be sure to contact us today for more information.