Many fleet transportation options fall under this definition, with the category most notably including vans and pick-up trucks.

The primary function of a light goods vehicle is to efficiently transport commercial goods, serving as a reliable mode of transportation for businesses and companies using fleets.

What is the Difference between an LGV and a HGV?

Vehicle taxation takes into account various factors such as weight, engine specifications, construction, fuel type, and usage. 

In particular, vehicles intended for transporting goods are classified into two categories based on weight: light goods vehicles being those which weigh under 3,500kg, and heavy goods vehicles, which weigh over 3,500kg.

What is Classed as a Private Light Goods Vehicle?

The private light goods vehicle (PLG) class applies to certain vehicles depending on their registration date: 

  • Private or light goods (PLG) class: Encompassing private motor cars and goods vehicles weighing up to 3,500kg which were registered before 1 March 2001.

  • Light goods vehicle class: Vehicles weighing no more than 3,500kg which were registered on or after 1 March 2001. They must be type-approved by manufacturers as N1 category vehicles, i.e., those especially designed for carrying goods.

LGV Emissions Standards

Light goods vehicles are further categorised based on their emissions standard:

  • Euro 4 LGVs: These vehicles, registered between March 2003 and December 2006, are those made especially for goods transportation and which must not exceed 3,500kg. They must comply with Euro 4 emission standards.

  • Euro 5 LGVs: Registered between January 2009 and December 2010, Euro 5 LGVs are virtually the same as Euro 4 LGVs regarding weight and usage. They are, however, required to meet Euro 5 emission standards.

Lower your LGV Emissions with MICHELIN Connected Fleet

Today, a lot of fleets have recognised the influence that CO2 emissions have on road taxation, and are now responding by transitioning to electric vehicles, which can lead to substantially reduced long-term operating costs.

We at MICHELIN Connected Fleet wholly believe that electric fleets are the future of fleet management, bringing both environmental and financial benefits for businesses and companies. If you’re interested in how we can support your electrification efforts, then be sure to contact us about how our services can help you today.