You, our customers, can significantly reduce your CO2 emissions from your fleet using our services and solutions. On average, one vehicle fitted with our solutions saves 3,822 kg of CO2e in one year through fuel efficiency measures, which is equivalent to the energy needed to heat 1 house for 1 year. This has been achieved through a combination of improved fuel efficiency, driver behaviour, asset utilisation, route optimization and more.
In addition, our MoveElectric solutions enables you, our customers, to transition to, and manage, their electric fleet with a suite of intelligent fleet management tools.
At MICHELIN Connected Fleet we are equally dedicated to reducing our own CO2 footprint. We have upgraded all of our data servers across Europe reducing energy consumption by 33-52% depending on peak usage, whilst also increasing our processing and storage capacity. In addition, we are looking into future, global solutions, to leverage on-demand technologies, further reducing energy consumption, and therefore CO2 emissions, from our data servers.
We are also committed to reducing emissions from our own fleet. We have launched internal electric vehicle car schemes to help encourage, and facilitate, our employees to move to electric. This includes installing charging points at our offices, where possible. In the UK, we currently have 12 electric vehicles on fleet, with 4 additional electric vehicles being used in Brazil, we are working to expand this initiative to all our regions.
In addition to this, all of our employees with vehicles use our driver behaviour solution, which encourages better driver behaviour on an individual level, which leads to further reduction in CO2 emissions.

To protect the planet we need to look beyond just CO2 emissions, and therefore, we have begun the process of conducting a Life Cycle Analysis of our services and solutions. This project will assess the environmental impact across 16 different measures; from the extraction of raw materials, the production, manufacturing and distribution of our devices, right through to the use and end of life of the hardware. In addition, it will look at the impact from our data centres and services team, highlighting any environmental benefits seen from the use of our services as well.
This project will identify action areas and the best possible solution for improvement, once completed we will have a long term roadmap to take tangible action and reduce the environmental impact from our operations and reduce the environmental impact from our operations.
We are minimising the packaging used by removing the plastic bags used for 3 of the parts of our most widely used units, the M400. Based on 2022 shipments, this will remove 130,000 of plastic bags from the supply chain.
We currently reuse 94% of devices returned to us through refurbishment which equals over 188,000 devices annually. We will continue to work on initiatives to improve these numbers and the processes involved.
We are committed to reducing the amount of waste produced by our operations and offices, meaning less than 2% of waste in Europe, and less than 5% of waste in Brazil goes to landfill. We also donate all surplus IT equipment for good causes.
From the blog
Sustainable Mobility
Euro Emissions Standards
Discover the different European emissions standards from 1 to 7, what they mean, and how they relate to fleet management. Click to learn more.
Sustainable Mobility
Low Emission Zones in Europe: A Guide for Fleets
Find out where the low emission zones (LEZs) are in Europe and how you can ensure your fleet’s compliance. Click to learn more.
Sustainable Mobility
ESG in Fleet Management
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Let's start our journey together
At MICHELIN Connected Fleet, we always start our journey with you, by understanding and identifying your business challenges; This so that our recommended solution and services can be tailored to your operations and business.