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Passenger Transport

Fleet Management Solutions & Services for Buses

Fleet management solutions and services are essential for passenger and public transport vehicles like buses, find out why here. Click to learn more.

Optimise productivity

What is GPS and How Does it Work?

Discover everything you need to know about GPS for fleets, including what it is exactly and how it works. Click to learn more.

Improve safety

8 Tips to Improve Fleet Safety and Reduce Costs with TPMS

How can you maximise the benefits of TPMS technology for your fleet? Explore our best practices and essential tips to help your fleet boost safety and reduce costs.

Sustainable Mobility

The Evolution of Sustainable Fleet Management

As the world looks to become more sustainable, vehicle fleets are adapting in a number of ways. In this article we cover two key ways that fleets are evolving.

Optimise productivity

Why we are not a Telematics Company

Telematics alone can’t solve the problems fleet managers face today, instead integrated solutions are the answer. Click to learn more.

Sustainable Mobility

Eco-driving - What is Ecodriving?

Find out what is meant by eco-driving, the techniques used, the importance of it, and how it can benefit your fleet. Click to learn more.

reduce fleet cost

Complete Guide to Fleet Management

Discover everything you need to know about fleet management and why it’s so important for businesses by reading MICHELIN’s guide. Click to learn more.

Improve safety

Cargo Theft: The Definitive Guide to Improve Fleet & Cargo Security

Cargo theft is a worrisome challenge for all fleet managers, find out how to prevent it by improving your security measures. Click to learn more.

Improve safety

Checks You Should Conduct Before Hiring New Drivers

Before a fleet can determine the suitability of a new employee, there are a series of checks which need to be carried out, discover the details right here.

Sustainable Mobility

Fleet Management Solutions for Waste and Recycling Companies

Waste and recycling fleet management solutions from MICHELIN Connected fleet. Learn how to optimise your fleet and reduce its operating costs here.